Monday, November 30, 2015

Emotion or EmotiCON

After having a deep conversation with a friend (through text messaging, I should add), I got to thinking; has our society turned off emotions because of technology? Have we really given up or maybe just lost sight of the importance of expressing our feelings for another human being? Have emoticons in our text messages become the new way to show you care?
This really bothered me. I myself have taken to text messaging as of late because life gets too busy sometimes. After this so-called conversation, I decided to pick up the phone and call. No answer. A few minutes later I get a text message saying..."I think you butt-dialed me. Lol :)" Seriously?! I picked up the phone to call and console my friend and she thought that I had my phone in my back pocket, sat on it, and my phone called her.
I would love to know your thoughts on all of this. Do you feel that technology is making people less compassionate towards each other? What about less social? Leave a comment below and get a discussion going. I'm interested to see what you have to say.